Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Little Ignorance About Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatment Can Spell Doomfor You

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer, it does metastasize and usually grows very slowly. It usually begins with a circumscribed solid elevation of skin also known as papule. It enlarges that can develop into a crater-like image that erodes, crusts and bleeds. It is a common condition of male 45 years old and above. Sun exposure and skin pigmentation are the common risks factors for basal cell carcinoma. There are three types of BCC and these are nodular basal cell carcinoma, pigmented lesion, and superficial type. Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common type of this condition, a fresh-colored nodule is present with overlying of the blood vessel. Meanwhile, Pigmented Lesion is a type of BCC has a darker shade compared to the nodular basal cell carcinoma. It can be confused with malignant melanoma. However, the superficial type usually appears scaly and red in color. There are different types of basal cell carcinoma treatment depending on biopsy information.

Here are some of the most common and effective means of treatment:
1. Electrodesiccation and curettage - This type of treatment use electrocute device that scrapes the tumor through a curette. This has to be repeated several times and several sessions to be completely assured that the tumor is completely eradicated. It is also advised that this method should be used for smaller tumor less than 6mm.

2. Simple Excision - This method involves surgical excision of the lesion through the normal skin. It is usually used for larger tumors in the cheek, trunk, forehead, and legs. This is also a quick and inexpensive method, however, differentiation of normal skin tissue to cancerous tissues are observed and evaluated through the naked eye. melacak no hp

3. Moh's Micrographic Surgery - This treatment needs an expert and experienced Moh's surgeon in order to be performed. With this method, excision of the tumor and tissue are examined under the microscope. This can help determine the definite area of cancerous tissues, thus it can aid the residual cancerous tissue to be excised. Although this type of basal cell carcinoma treatment can be expensive, the best advantage of it is being definitive and effective in treating the condition. Hence, recurrence of skin cancer is very rare.

4. Radiation Therapy - This method requires radiation treatment to the patient who has the inoperable tumor or to refrain the loss of important tissue surrounding the affected area. It can also be used when the tumor is difficult to excise or there are health risks that may follow open surgery.

5. Cryotherapy - Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the affected area, thus destroying the cancerous tissue. This is highly advised for patients who have the superficial type of basal cell carcinoma and for those who have the pre-malignant condition. This is usually inexpensive but it can only be used on certain condition and state.

With a wide array of available treatments for skin cancer, patients have a very big chance in leading a normal life. And it is also taken into consideration that to prevent diseases, one must be healthy in mind and in the body.

If you are not able to speak to your doctor immediately, manage to go through the website of Elisa Pouding that will present you with various crucial information on do's and don'ts of basal cell carcinoma treatment and basal cell carcinoma.

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